Pack an S Object as an AMS Artifact


Packs an S object with appropriate metadata into an AMS artifact. The artifact can then be imported into the AMS.


amsPackArtifact(x, path = NULL, comment = "import object",
    projDescription = "Project Description", objDescription = NULL)


x any S object. Typically a statistical model.
objName a character string. The path name to use for the artifact in AMS. The default is the name of the object provided as x.
comment a character string. A comment for the project.
projDescription a character string. A description for the project.
objDescription a character string describing the object. The default is to use the call component of x if it exists.


The S object is converted to a raw binary representation and then base64 encoded to created a character string.
A warning is issued if the return status is not 200 (success).
returns a character value in JSON format. The encoded S object with its metadata is in a format to send to the AMS.
The amsImport and amsUpdateArtifact internally call amsPackArtifact before uploading their S object.
See Also
Package AMS version 6.1.4-13
Package Index