Compute Predictions for a Classification Tree Model from Spotfire


Computes predictions for a tree classification model from Spotfire using the data in newdata. This function is not intended to be called by the user.


treeClassPredict(modelObj, newdata, origPredNames, newPredNames)


modelObj an object of class "arbor".
newdata a data frame to use for the predictions. It must contain columns with names newPredNames.
origPredNames a single character string containing the predictor variables used in modelObj. The values must be tab delimited.
newPredNames a single character string naming the predictor variable in newdata. This is often the same as origPredNames. The values must be tab delimited.


This function gets invoked when predictions for a classification tree model are requested in Spotfire.
a data frame containing the prediction probabilities and predicted class.
See Also
treeClassFit, treeClassEvaluate, arbor
library(Sdatasets)  # for the kyphosis data
ztree <- treeClassFit(Kyphosis ~ Age + Number + Start, data=kyphosis,
predNamesString <- ztree$fitSummaryTable[2, 1]
predNames <- strsplit(predNamesString, "\t", fixed=TRUE)[[1]]
kyph <- kyphosis[1:20, predNames]
ztPred <- treeClassPredict(ztree$modelObj, newdata=kyph,
    predNamesString, predNamesString)
Package SpotfireStats version 6.1.4-13
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