Helper functions for makeAdditiveFormula


The functions build the left and right hand sides of the formula produced by makeAdditiveFormula. You can use these functions directly to build a complicated formula.


.makeAdditiveExpr(exprs, emptyExprsOutput = 1)


exprs a character vector of variable names or a list of expressions to use as terms in the output expression.
emptyExprsOutput the output, if there are no entries in exprs.


We do not expect users to need to call these functions. Use the simpler makeAdditiveFormula when possible.
.makeAdditiveExprif exprs has only one entry, then that unaltered entry is returned.
.makeAdditiveExprif exprs has multiple entries, then an expression of the form expr1 + expr2 + ... is returned.
.makeCbindExprif exprs has only one entry, then that unaltered entry is returned.
.makeCbindExprif exprs has multiple entries, then an expression of the form cbind(expr1, expr2, ...) is returned.
See Also
.makeAdditiveExpr(c("one", "two"))
.makeAdditiveExpr(list(quote(log(one)), quote(sqrt(two))))
Package SpotfireUtils version 6.1.4-13
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