Run Commands in Another File Using Relative File Paths


This lets a test file "source" another file in the same directory (or a related directory) as the current test file. I.e., relative paths are relative to the current file's directory, not R's current working directory.


atSource(file, what = c("source", "init", "pop", "clear", "cur_dir"), env)


file The name of the file to run. The name will generally be a relative path, like "makeData.R" or "setups/makeData.R" and the root of that relative path will be the directory containing the file that contains the call to atSource.
what The user should not use this argument, which should be used only by the assertionTest function to control and query the state of test environement.
env The user should not use this argument, which should be used only by the assertionTest function to control the state of test environement.


This function depends on assertionTest() to manage the stack of files. It will not would if you evaluate the test file calling atSource via eval(parse(testFile)) or source(testFile).
Nothing useful. This is used only for its side effect of creating objects used in several test files.
See Also
   assertionTest(system.file(package="assertionTest", "test-ex", "clean.t"))
Package assertionTest version 6.1.4-13
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