Calculate Contour Lines


Generates a list of contour lines; plots nothing.


contourLines(x = seq(0, 1, length.out = nrow(z)), y = seq(0, 1, 
    length.out = ncol(z)), z, nlevels = 10, levels = pretty(range(z, 
    na.rm = TRUE), nlevels)) 


x a vector containing x coordinates of the grid over which z is evaluated. The values must be in strictly increasing order. Missing values are not accepted. It should have one value for each row of z.
y a vector of grid y coordinates. The values must be in strictly increasing order. Missing values are not accepted. It should have one value for each column of z.

z a matrix of size length(x) by length(y) giving the surface height at grid points.
nlevels the approximate number of contour intervals desired.
levels a vector of the heights of the contour lines.


returns an invisible list of contour lines, each of which contains the following components.
level the contour level.
x the x coordinates of points on a contour at the given level.
y the y coordinates of points on a contour at the given level.
There might be many contour lines at each level. If a contour forms a loop, then its last point is identical to its first. There is one point output each time a grid line (based on the input x and y values) crosses the given level. If a crossing would fall where grid lines cross, then it is pushed downward a tiny bit.
The Spotfire Enterprise Runtime for R version orients the contour line segments so that the downhill is to the left of each segment. That is, they go clockwise around hills and counterclockwise around holes. The R version does not give a consistent orientation.
See Also
x <- c(1,3,6)
y <- c(11,12,17)
z <- cbind(c(1,2,6),c(3,7,6),c(2,5,8))
str(contourLines(x, y, z, levels=6.5))
Package grDevices version 6.1.4-13
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