Hue, Chroma, Luminance Color Model


Specifies colors with the hue, chroma, and luminance color model.


hcl(h = 0, c = 35, l = 85, alpha = 1, fixup = TRUE)


h a vector of numbers specifing the hue. This is taken as module 360 where 0 is red, and it goes around the rainbow and returns to red at 360.
c a vector of numbers between 0 and 100 specifying the chroma.
l a vector of numbers between 0 and 100 specifying the luminance.
alpha a vector of numbers between 0 and 1 specifying the opacity.
fixup this argument is ignored.


This is a piecewise linear approximation to the HCL model that is used in R.
returns a vector of color strings corresponding to the given parameters.
The color strings have the format "#RRGGBB" or "#RRGGBBAA" where XX are two digit hexadecimal values (range 00-FF) for the red, green, blue, and possible alpha (opacity) components of the colors.
See Also
hcl(h=seq(0, 360, by=30))
col2rgb(hcl(h=120, c=seq(0,100,len=7)))
Package grDevices version 6.1.4-13
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