S4 Classes that Contain S3 Classes


Accesses an S3 object contained within an S4 object.


S3Part(object, strictS3 = FALSE, S3Class)
S3Part(object, strictS3 = FALSE, needClass = .S3Class(object)) <- value


object an object.
strictS3 a logical value. If TRUE, then when S3Part extracts from an object extending oldClass, it clears the S4 flag for the returned value (see isS4).
S3Class a string vector. If this argument is specified, it is set as the class of the object returned by S3Part.
needClass a string vector. If object extends oldClass, S3Part<- checks if value extends this class.
value an object, inserted as the S3 object contained in object.


An S4 object is considered to contain an S3 object if its class contains a basic vector class, or a class defined with setOldClass, or a subclass of these.
S3Part extracts the S3 object from such an S4 object. If object is not an S4 object, it is simply returned.
S3Part<- modifies the S3 object within such an S4 object. If object is not an S4 object, it just returns value
S3Partreturns the S3 object extracted from an S4 object.
S3Part<-returns the modified object.
See Also
setOldClass, isS4.
setClass("myClass", list(x="character"), contains="integer")
xx <- new("myClass", 123L, x="abc")
## [1] 123
S3Part(xx) <- 456L
## An object of class "myClass"
## [1] 456
## Slot "x":
## [1] "abc"

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