Search for a Method for a Generic Function


Checks if a generic function has a method whose signature exactly matches a given signature.


existsMethod(f, signature = character(), where = topenv(parent.frame())) 


f the name of the generic function.
signature the signature of the method to search for.
where the package environment to search. Supply either an environment or a number representing its position in the search path. If where is missing, all attached packages are searched.
returns a logical value. It returns TRUE if generic function f has a method that matches the signature sig exactly. Otherwise, it returns FALSE.
See Also
hasMethod, getMethod, selectMethod, findMethod, setMethod.
setGeneric("setG", function(x)standardGeneric("setG"))
setMethod("setG", "numeric", function(x) x^2)
existsMethod("setG", "numeric") # TRUE
existsMethod("setG", "integer") # FALSE
Package methods version 6.1.4-13
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