Show All Methods for the Specified Function


Shows all the methods for the specified function(s).


showMethods(f = character(), where = topenv(parent.frame()),
    classes = NULL, includeDefs = FALSE, inherited = !includeDefs,
    showEmpty, printTo = stdout(), fdef = getGeneric(f, where = where))


f a character vector specifying the names of one of more generic functions, or a single generic function. If it is missing, all generic functions that match the other arguments are used.
where the environment to search to find generic function(s). Supply either an environment or a number representing its position in the search path.
classes a vector of class names. If given, only methods whose signatures include one or more of these classes are printed.
includeDefs a logical value. If TRUE, the definition of the method(s) are printed along with the names. The default is FALSE.
inherited this argument is unimplemented. If given, it generates a warning.
showEmpty this argument is unimplemented. If given, it generates a warning.
printTo this argument is unimplemented. If given, it generates a warning.
fdef the generic function definition to use.


This function prints information about the methods for the specified generic functions, possibly restricted to methods involving specified classes and other criteria determined by the various arguments. If more than one generic function is specified, this function is called for each generic function.
returns NULL, invisibly.
Chambers, J. M. 2008. Software of Data Analysis: Programming with R. New York, NY: Springer. (For the original S4 version.)
Chambers, J. M. 1998. Programming with Data. New York, NY: Springer. (For the original S4 version.)
See Also
setMethod, setGeneric
showMethods("show", classes = c("envRefClass", "refMethodDef"))
showMethods("rbind2", includeDefs = TRUE)
Package methods version 6.1.4-13
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