Validate S4 Object


Test an object to determine if it is a valid S4 object.


validObject(object, test = FALSE, complete = FALSE)


object the object to be evaluated.
test logical, specifies what happens if the validity function did not return TRUE, either generating an error (if test is FALSE) or returning the output of the validity function (if test is TRUE).
complete a logical value. If complete = TRUE, validObject is recursively called on the contents of all slots of object, and any resulting error messages are added to the validity errors from object itself.
Returns TRUE if the object validity function returned TRUE. If the object validity function does not return TRUE, then validObject either generates an error (if test=FALSE), or returns the output of the validation function (typically a string specifying why the object is not valid).
The validity function is the function given as the validity argument to setClass when the class is defined. This function can be retrieved with getClass(myclass)\@validity and changed with setValidity.
See Also
new, getClass, setClass
# Create an object with a validation function
setClass("myClass", rep=representation(x="numeric",y="numeric"),
    validity=function(object) if (object@x < object@y) TRUE else "x>=y")
xx <- new("myClass", x=1, y=2)
validObject(xx)  # returns TRUE
xx@y <- 0  # set slot so object is not valid
## Not run: 
validObject(xx)  # error
## End(Not run)
validObject(xx, test=TRUE)  # returns "x>=y"
Package methods version 6.1.4-13
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