(Dummy Non-Parallel) Vector Map Function


This function is provided for compatibility with open-source R: pvec immediately evaluates FUN on the given arguments.


pvec(v, FUN, ..., mc.set.seed = TRUE, mc.silent = FALSE, 
     mc.cores = getOption("mc.cores", 2L), mc.cleanup = TRUE) 


v a vector to pass to function FUN in pieces. A non-vector input causes the function to stop.
FUN a function to apply to vector v.
... additional arguments to pass to FUN.
mc.set.seed This argument is ignored by Spotfire Enterprise Runtime for R.
mc.silent This argument is ignored by Spotfire Enterprise Runtime for R.
mc.cores an integer value. This argument is ignored by Spotfire Enterprise Runtime for R, except that an error is generated if it is less than 1.
mc.cleanup This argument is ignored by Spotfire Enterprise Runtime for R.


Open-source R implements pvec using forking on Unix/Linux to apply FUN to pieces of the vector v in parallel.
To support existing code, Spotfire Enterprise Runtime for R defines pvec so it just applies FUN to v and the other ... arguments. It is non-parallel.
returns the value returned by FUN.
See Also
mclapply, mcparallel, mc.reset.stream.
pvec(1:30, sin)
Package parallel version 6.1.4-13
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