Execute SQL Query on a JDBC-Compatible Database


Executes a SQL command on a JDBC-Compatible database.


executeJDBC(sqlQuery, driverClass, con, user, password, keepAlive)


sqlQuerya string containing the SQL query to execute.
driverClassa string containing the name of the Java class for required JDBC driver.
cona string containing the JDBC connection string.
usera string containing the user name with access to database.
passworda string containing the password for the given user name on the database.
keepAlivea logical. If TRUE, keeps the database connection alive after executing the query. The default is FALSE.


Executes the command on the database using the JDBC driver specified in driverClass. The required JDBC driver must be loaded in sjdbc before it is used. See loadJDBCDriver for details.
Database connections are closed by default after executing the query, unless keepAlive is set to TRUE. If keepAlive = TRUE, the connection remains open, and successive database commands can reuse the open connection if and only if the same values for driverClass, con, user, and password are supplied.
returns the number of rows affected, if applicable.
Some arguments can also be set using sjdbcOptions.
See Also
loadJDBCDriver, sjdbcOptions
## Not run: 
            user="testqa", password="testqa",
            sqlQuery="UPDATE TEST1 SET Weight = NULL WHERE Weight < 2500")

executeJDBC(driverClass="com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver", con="jdbc:sqlserver://qadb-s2k:1433;databaseName=testdb;user=testqa;password=testqa;", user="testqa", password="testqa", sqlQuery="DROP TABLE TEST1") ## End(Not run)

Package sjdbc version 6.1.4-13
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