Evaluate a Spline Basis


Evaluate value of B-Spline Basis or Natural Cubic Spline at New Values of newx.


## S3 method for class 'bs':
predict(object, newx, ..., derivs)
## S3 method for class 'ns':
predict(object, newx, ..., derivs)


object any object inherits from class ns or bs.
newx a numeric vector specifying the values at which to evaluate the basis matrix.
... additional arguments to be passed to or from future functions.


In these methods, the attributes knots, Boundary.knots, intercept, and, for, degree of object along with x=newx are used in a call to bs or ns to evaluate the spline basis functions encoded in object at points of newx.
Returns a matrix of of the same class as it input object containing the spline basis functions in it evaluated at the points in object.
See Also
bs, ns.
nso <- ns(1:6)
bso <- bs(11:20, degree=5)
predict(nso, newx = seq(0, 7, by=1/4))
predict(bso, 14:16) # same as bso[4:6]
Package splines version 6.1.4-13
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