Time Sequence Class


This class is a compact representation of a time/date vector in an arithemetic sequence.


The timeSequence class extends the positionsCalendar class.
Valid timeSequence objects must contain a single non-NA value in at least three of the from, to, by, and length slots. If all four are present, the length slot is ignored, and a warning message is generated when the sequence is used. If length is present and not being ignored, it must be non-negative (that is, a zero-length sequence is equivalent to timeDate()). Otherwise, to have a valid sequence, adding by to from must go towards to. The default sequence (generated by calling timeSequence() or new("timeSequence")) has length 0.
A timeSequence can be coerced to timeDate using as, and regularly-spaced times/dates (or time/date vectors spaced by regular numbers of months) can be coerced to timeSequence using as. This fails if the input is not a regular sequence within a tolerance given by timeDateOptions("ts.eps").
Most operations that work for timeDate objects also work on timeSequence objects (for example, mathematical functions, arithmetic, comparison operators, and subscripting) by first coercing to a time/date vector. Therefore they do not return timeSequence objects. Because of this, it is more efficient to coerce a timeSequence to timeDate using as before performing an extended set of calculations on the original object, rather than coercing for each operation.
(timeDate) the start of the sequence.
(timeDate) the end of the sequence.
(timeInterval) the increment for the sequence.
(integer) the length of the sequence.
(event) time periods to remove from the sequence.
(positionsCalendar) times/dates to add to the sequence.
(character) the time/date output format for sequence display.
(character) the time zone for the sequence.
See Also
timeSequence function.
Package splusTimeDate version 6.1.4-13
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