Create a Shifted Time Series


Returns a time series like the input but shifted in time.


shift(x, k=1)


x a univariate or multivariate regular time series. Missing values (NAs) are allowed.
k the number of positions the input series is to lead the new series. That is, the resulting series is shifted forwards in time; negative values lag the series backwards in time. Non-integer values of k are rounded to the nearest integer.


shift is a generic function. Its default method calls lag(x,-k).
shift also has a method for series objects, which works for both timeSeries and signalSeries objects.
returns a time series with the same data as x, but with positions lagged by k steps.
The shift function replaces the lag function, which illogically had the opposite sign of shifting. (The lag function has been retained only because it is used in other functions.)
See Also
seriesMerge, lag, lag.plot, ts.intersect, ts.union.
x <- signalSeries(data=data.frame(a=1:10, b=letters[1:10]), positions=1:10)
x5 <- shift(x,5)
seriesMerge(x, x5, pos="union")
Package splusTimeSeries version 6.1.4-13
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