Post A Message To tibbr


Posst a message to tibbr. The post can include links or attached files.


tibbr.post(connection, content, subject = NULL, links = character(0),
    attachments = character(0))


connection a tibbrConnection object indicating the tibbr instance to post to.
content a character string containing the content of the message to post.
subject a character vector or list containing any combination of character strings containing the fully-qualified subject names (including the subject names of all parent subjects, separated by .) of subjects, tibbrSubject objects, and tibbrUser objects to which this message should post. If NULL, the message is posted to the wall of the user specified in the creation of the connection.

Note that subject names consist of alphanumeric characters and the special characters ., -, and _, and may optionally start with the subject indicator character @.

links a character vector containing URLs to link to in this post.
attachments a character vector specifying the names of files to attach to this post.


Errors encountered during the tibbr posting process will be raised by this function.
returns TRUE invisibly.
See Also
tibbr.connect, tibbr.subject, tibbr.user
## Not run: 
con <- tibbr.connect("try.tibbr.com", "myusername", "mypassword")
tibbr.post(con, "Hello, tibbr!")  # Posts to your wall
tibbr.post(con, "Hello, salesmen!", subject="Sales")
tibbr.post(con, "Hello, everyone.",
    subject=c("Sales", "Marketing", "Engineering.ProjectAlpha"))
tibbr.post(con, "Here's that proposal.", subject="Sales",
alpha <- tibbr.subject(con, "alpha")
tibbr.post(con, "To everyone involved in the Alpha project: Good job!", subject=alpha)

## End(Not run)
Package tibbrConnector version 6.1.4-13
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