Delimited Pattern Matching


Matches the delimited substrings in a character vector.


delimMatch(x, delim = c("{", "}"), syntax = "Rd")


x a character vector to be delimited.
delim a character vector. delim must have two delimiters, and each delimiter must be single characters. They can be identical.
syntax a character string. Indicates the syntax used for the delimiter.


Currently, the only syntax supported is Rd. \ is the escape character and % starts a comment extending to the next newline. It includes no quote characters.
returns an integer vector the same length of x giving the position of the first opening delimiter, with the attribute "match.length". Also returns the length of x, giving the number of characters between the opening and matching closing delimiter (including the delimiters).
If the delimiters are distinct, pairs of delimiters can be nested, as in \code{{x1};{y2}}. delimMatch matches the text up to the closing delimiter that is at nesting level 0. In this example, {{x1};{y2}}.
If there is no set of matched delimiters in a string, -1 is returned for both the starting position and the match length.
See Also
parse_Rd, parse
txt1 <- "\\code{function(x){ x + 1}} is a function definition"
regmatches(txt1, delimMatch(txt1))

txt2 <- "% { (brace in comment)\n\\code{log(2)}" regmatches(txt2, delimMatch(txt2))

txt3 <- "This is *very* important. Do it *now*!" regmatches(txt3, delimMatch(txt3, delim=c("*","*")))

Package tools version 6.1.4-13
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