Register Native Routines


Create a C code file that registers the compiled routines in a package.


package_native_routine_registration_skeleton(dir, con = stdout(),
align = TRUE, character_only = TRUE, include_declarations = TRUE)


dir A character string naming a directory containing a source package. The package should contain a 'src' directory containing C, C++, or Fortran files and an 'R' directory containing R code that uses .Call, .C, or .Fortran to call the code in the 'src' directory.
con A writable connection, generally to a file, to send the generated C code to.
align A logical value. This is currently ignored.
character_only A logical value. This is currently ignored.
include_declarations A logical value. If TRUE, include C declarations for the C, C++, or Fortran routines being registered. If FALSE, do not put the declarations in the output file. In the latter case you should edit the file produced and add the appropriate #include statements.


This function produces a file like the one described in 'Writing R Extensions', section 'Registering Native Routines'. It is useful for people writing packages containing C, C++, or Fortran code.
Nothing useful is returned: the text output to the connection is the important thing.
Writing R Extensions.
Package tools version 6.1.4-13
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