Set or Get a Vignette Processing Engine


Sets or gets a vignette engine for non-Sweave vignettes.


vignetteEngine(name, weave, tangle, pattern = NULL, package = NULL)


name the name of vignette engine to set or get.
weave the function to convert the vignette source file to LaTeX format.
tangle the function to produce R code from the vignette source file.
pattern a regular expression pattern specifying the file names to be processed by this engine. If NULL (the default), the default pattern is "[.][rRsS](nw|tex)$".
package the package registering the vignette engine. If NULL (the default), the package that calls this function.


Package vignettes can be processed by means of vignette engines other than Sweave. A package writer can register a vignette engine by calling the function vignetteEngine to define customized Sweave and Stangle functions. Spotfire Enterprise Runtime for R uses the registered engine to process the package vignettes.
The system uses an engine key to identify each vignette engine. Typcially, the engine key is in the format "package::name".
If weave is missing, vignetteEngine returns the current registered vignette engine that matches name and package. If weave is NULL, the current registered engine is deleted. For other cases, a new engine is registered.
The system registers at least one engine named "Sweave", which uses utils::Sweave() and utils::Stangle(). This design is for backward compatibility with those package vignettes that are processed by Sweave by default.
2013. Writing package vignettes. Writing R Extensions. R Project. Volume 3.01, Chapter 1.4.
See Also
vignetteEngine()  # List all registered engines.
vignetteEngine("Sweave") # List "Sweave" engine.

# Set a new engine. vignetteEngine(name = "My_Sweave", weave = function(...) utils::Sweave(...), tangle = function(...) utils::Stangle(...), package = "utils")

## Not run: # Set a new engine. Here "weave" and "tangle" are fake functions and cannot be used # for actual package vignette processing. vignetteEngine("My_engine", weave = function(...){tempfile()}, tangle = function(...){tempfile()}, package = "My_package") str(vignetteEngine())

# Delete this engine vignetteEngine("My_engine", package = "My_package", weave = NULL) str(vignetteEngine()) ## End(Not run)

Package tools version 6.1.4-13
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