Microsoft Azure Service Bus Connection Details

The information of the Azure Service Bus instance that this connection connects to, is provided in this topic.

The connections details dialog box contains the following fields:
Field Description
Connection Name Name of the connection that uniquely identifies a particular Azure Service Bus connection.
Description (Optional) Briefly describe the purpose of this Azure Service Bus connection.
Service Bus Namespace Name of an existing Service Bus Namespace which is equivalent to a container consisting of entities such as Queue/Topic. Only the namespace name has to be given without the suffix
Authorization Rule Name Name of the authorization rule which is a shared access policy that has to be created on a service bus. This policy sets the access rights such as Manage, Send, Listen.
Primary/Secondary Key A cryptographic key which is used to generate the SAS token signature to get valid authorization of the service bus resources. Provide primary key/secondary key of the shared access policy that are against the Authorization Rule Name.

Once a Azure Service Bus connection is created, you can edit it by selecting it and then clicking the Edit button in the new section that appears to the right side of list of all the connections.

You can also choose to Delete an existing Azure Service Bus connection as long as it is not included in any Azure Service Bus activity across any of the Flogo apps. The list of apps using a connection is shown below the Delete and Edit buttons after choosing an Azure Service Bus connection.