Microsoft Azure Storage Create

You can use this activity to create new shares or new files and directories within a share. You can also upload a blob in a conatiner.


This tab has the following fields.

Field Description
Connection Lists all connections for a Microsoft Azure Storage account.
Service Lists the service provided. The following services are available :
  • File
  • Blob
Operation Lists all operations available for a service.
The following operations are available for File service:
  • Create Share: Creates a new share in the Microsoft Azure Storage account.
  • Create Directory: Creates a new directory within a share or a parent directory.
  • Create File: Creates a new file or replaces an existing file within a directory or share.
The following operation is available for Blob service:
  • Upload Blob: Uploads blob in a container.
    Note: The Upload Blob operation supports only block blobs.


The Input tab for File Service has the following fields:
Operation Field Description
Create Share shareName Name of a share in a Microsoft Azure Storage account.
Create Directory shareName Name of a share in a Microsoft Azure Storage account.
directoryPath (optional) Path to the parent directory within which files and directories are to be created.
directoryName Name of directory to be created within a share or a parent directory.
Create File shareName Name of a share in a Microsoft Azure Storage account.
fileName Name of the file to be created.
directoryPath (optional) Path to the parent directory within which files and directories are to be created.
fileContent (optional) File content to be created in base64 encoded format.
The Input tab for Upload Blob Operation has the following fields:
Operation Field Description
Upload Blob containerName Name of the container from where blob is to be uploaded.
relativePath (optional) Relative path to the blob.
blobName Name of the blob to be uploaded.
blobContent Blob content to be uploaded in base64 encoded format.


The Output tab displays the output schema of the activity in a tree structure format. The information in the schema varies based on the fields selected on the Configuration tab. The properties that are displayed in the schema correspond to the output of this activity and can be used as input by subsequent activities in the flow.

The Output tab for File Service has the following fields:
Operation Field Description
Create Share isSuccess Displays the success status of the activity in the form of boolean datatype.
statusCode Displays the http status code of the operation.
statusMessage Displays the status message of the operation.
shareName Displays the name of share in the Microsoft Azure Storage account.
Create Directory isSuccess Displays the success status of the activity in the form of boolean datatype.
statusCode Displays the http status code of the operation.
statusMessage Displays the status message of the operation.
shareName Displays the name of share in the Microsoft Azure Storage account.
directoryPath Displays the path to the parent directory within which new file or new directory is created.
directoryName Displays the name of directory created within a share.
Create File isSuccess Displays the success status of the activity in the form of boolean datatype.
statusCode Displays the http status code of the operation.
statusMessage Displays the status message of the operation.
shareName Displays the name of share in the Microsoft Azure Storage account.
directoryPath Displays the path to the parent directory within which new file or new directory is created.
fileName Displays the name of the file created within a directory.
The Output tab for Blob service, Upload Blob Operation has the following fields:
Operation Field Description
Upload Blob containerName Displays the name of the container in a Microsoft Azure Storage account.
blobName Displays the name of blob in the Microsoft Azure Storage account.
statusCode Displays the http status code of the operation.
statusMessage Displays the status message of the operation.
Note: You can upload only one blob at a time.


If you would like this activity to iterate multiple times within the flow, enter an expression that evaluates to the iteration details. Select a type of iteration from the Type menu. The default type is None, which means the activity will not iterate. Refer to the "Using the Loop Feature in an Activity" topic in the TIBCO Flogo® Enterprise documentation.