Post-installation Tasks

This section gives an overview of the steps you need to perform in the given order upon successful installation of TIBCO Fulfillment Order Management.

To configure the installed components, complete the following steps:

  1. Post-installation Task 1: Backing up the Configuration Files
  2. Post-installation Task 2: Updating the ConfigValues_OMS.xml File
  3. Post-installation Task 3: Updating the ConfigValues_OPE.xml File
  4. Post-installation Task 4: Updating the AOPDLog4j.xml File
  5. Post-installation Task 5: Updating the JeoMSLog4j.xml File
  6. Post-installation Task 6: Updating the OCSLog4j.xml File
  7. Post-installation Task 7: Updating the OMSServerLog4j.xml File
  8. Post-installation Task 8: Updating the OMSUILog4j.xml File
  9. Post-installation Task 9: Updating the OPELog4j.xml File
  10. Post-installation Task 10: Updating the OPE File
  11. Post-installation Task 11: Updating the omsServer File
  12. Post-installation Task 12: Updating the ope_config File
  13. Post-installation Task 13: Upgrading the TIBCO EMS Channel
  14. Post-installation Task 14: Updating the deadLetterQueue.props File
  15. Post-installation Task 15: Updating the File
  16. Post-installation Task 16: Updating the File
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