Configuring for the Bulk Load

The bulk load service provides a way to mass provision the inventory database with existing parties and items. A configuration file has been provided which needs to be configured with appropriate values before the bulk load is initiated.


The data to load must be converted as CSV files if they are not already in that format. The Oracle database is only able to read CSV files and will treat these as a table. Inventory then applies the stored procedures to create internal items, item characteristics, item relationships, orders, parties, characteristics, relationships, and orders. See CSV File and JSON Config File Samples for examples of item.csv and items_characs.csv files.


  1. If you have not already, create CSV files containing items, item characteristics, orders, item relationships, parties, party characteristics, and put these files in a directory on the Oracle database server so that Oracle can access them.
  2. Define the CSV file directory accessible by the Oracle database by running the following command:
    create or replace directory FSI_BULK_DIR as ‘[existing directory absolute path on oracle server]’;
    grant read, write on directory FSI_BULK_DIR to [inventory oracle user];
    Both the directory and file need to be readable and writeable by the Oracle process user.
  3. Create a bulk load JSON configuration file (bulkConfig.json) on the TIBCO Fulfillment Subscriber Inventory server machine. See CSV File and JSON Config File Samples for an example of how the JSON configuration file should be constructed. This file can be saved in the $FSI_HOME/config/ file.
  4. Configure the following parameters in the bulk load JSON configuration file:
    Parameter Description

    This is the directory name for the Oracle server. The value should be "FSI_BULK_DIR". The data files containing the data to be loaded should be placed in this directory which needs to be created beforehand in the Oracle server.


    This is the timestamp format for the date/time columns that is used in the CSV exported data. Timestamps here follow the Oracle notation. It is possible to customize the date/time format per entity for the date/time type of columns in the source data. One possible timestamp format is: "DD-MON-YYYY HH12.MI.SS PM". An example value of this format is: "01-JAN-2014 05.40.12 PM".


    This is the frequency of commits when performing creations.


    This is the list of entities to load. Each entity to load is a configuration object containing the following parameters:

    • type - This parameter defines the type of entity to load. It can be any one of the following types: FSI_PARTY, FSI_PARTY_CHARACTERISTIC, FSI_ITEM, FSI_ITEM_CHARACTERISTIC, FSI_ITEM_RELATIONSHIP, FSI_ITEM_ORDER, FSI_ITEM_ORDER_COMMENT
    • dataSourceName - This is the name of the CSV file relative to the inside of the FSI_BULK_DIR directory.
    • dataSourceColumnList - This parameter is for the names of the columns in the CSV file. The possible values depend on the type of entity to load. Some columns are mandatory and some are optional. See Mandatory and Optional Columns for the list of mandatory and optional columns.
  5. Configure the path to the bulk load JSON config file in the ConfigValues_FSI.xml file. The value to configure is com.tibco.fos.fsi.bulk.configuration.