Query Sub Elements

The following are the sub elements for the query operation.

Characteristic Filter

Element Type Cardinality Description
filter/characteristic/name String Optional This is the characteristic name to retrieve in the query.
filter/characteristic/value casestring Optional This is the characteristic value to retrieve in the query.

Order Filter

Element Type Cardinality Description
filter/order/orderId String Mandatory This is to retrieve the order associated with the specified ID.
filter/order/orderRef String Mandatory This is to retrieve the order associated with the specified external reference.

Relationship Filter

Element Type Cardinality Description
filter/relationship/type String Mandatory This defines a filter on the forward type of a relationship.
filter/relationship/id String Mandatory This defines a filter on the item ID of a related item.

DateQueryType Filter

Element Type Cardinality Description
filter/startDate/afterDate dateTime Mandatory This is to retrieve elements after the specified date.
filter/startDate/beforeDate dateTime Mandatory This is to retrieve elements before the specified date.
Element Type Cardinality Description
filter/createdDate/afterDate dateTime Optional This will set the search to refer to elements after the specified created date.
filter/characteristic/beforeDate dateTime Optional This will set the search to refer to elements before the specified created date.
Element Type Cardinality Description
filter/endDate/afterDate dateTime Mandatory This is to retrieve elements after the specified date.
filter/endDate/beforeDate dateTime Mandatory This is to retrieve elements before the specified date.