Adding a New Party

To add a new party perform the following steps:


  1. Click the Parties menu.
  2. Click the + button.
  3. Provide the primary information, which includes
    • Party Type - The value can be either Enterprise, Customer, or Subscriber. This is a mandatory field.
    • Party Status - The value can be either Active, Inactive, Suspended, or Pending Update. This is a mandatory field.
  4. Provide the additional information, which includes:
    • Party Name
    • Party Sub Type
    • Party ID
    • Party Ref
    • Parent Party ID – This may reference an existing partyID.
    • Owned By – If a value is not provided then the value will be set to the user ID that created the party.
  5. Provide the characteristics information (this is optional), by clicking + Add link in the Characteristics Info section. You can add multiple characteristics by clicking + Add link. You can delete unwanted characteristics by clicking x Remove link. The characteristics information to be provided are as follows:
    • Name - This is a mandatory field.
    • Value - This is a mandatory field.
    • ID
  6. Click the Submit button.
    The party will be created and the control will be passed back to the Inventory Party page. The newly created Party will be displayed in the list of parties. To search for party see Searching a Party for more details.