Get Sub Elements

The following are the sub elements for the get operation.

Lock Information

Element Type Cardinality Description
entity/entity/lock/key String Mandatory This is the key for the current lock.
entity/entity/lock/createdBy String Optional This indicates who created the current lock on the entity (user id).
entity/entity/lock/createdOn dateTime Optional This indicates the date the lock was created.
entity/entity/lock/registered RegisteredLockType Optional This indicates the list of pending locks that are waiting for acquisition. In this list, there are no immediate locks. It is similar to LockType with notable addition of createdOn / createdBy (user id) indications.
entity/entity/lock/registered/key String Mandatory This is the key of the registered lock type.
entity/entity/lock/registered/immediate Boolean Choice This indicates an immediate lock request.
entity/entity/lock/registered/priority Int Choice / Optional default=5 (from 1 to 10) This is the priority of the lock request.
entity/entity/lock/registered/timeout Int Choice / Optional default=no timeout This is the timeout of the lock request.
entity/entity/lock/registered/createdBy String Optional This indicates who created the registered lock type. (user id).
entity/entity/lock/registered/createdOn dateTime Optional This indicates the date the registered lock type was created.

Get Order

Element Type Cardinality Description
order/orderId String Optional This is the order ID of an order associated with the retrieved item.
order/orderRef String Optional This is the order reference of the order associated with the retrieved item.
order/orderDate dateTime Optional This is the order date of the order.
order/lineNumber String Optional This is the line referencing the order associated with the retrieved item.
order/lineAction String Optional This is the action of the line referencing the order associated with the retrieved item.
order/lineActionMode String Optional This is the action mode of the order associated with the retrieved item.
order/planItemId String Optional This is the plan item ID referencing the order associated with the retrieved item.
order/planItemAction String Optional This is the action for the plan item of the order associated with the retrieved item.
order/comment String Optional This is the list of comments of the order associated with the retrieved item.

Get Relationship

Element Type Cardinality Description
entity/relationship/type String Mandatory This is the relationship type of the relationship associated with the retrieved item.
entity/relationship/reverseType String Mandatory This is the reverse type of the relationship associated with the retrieved item.
entity/relationship/id String Mandatory This is the ID of the relationship associated with the retrieved item.