Manual Installation of PostgreSQL Database

This section lists the steps to install TIBCO Fulfillment Subscriber Inventory with PostgreSQL database setup in manual mode.

For information about how to install TIBCO Fulfillment Subscriber Inventory follow the steps 1 through 15 in Installing in GUI Mode, where installation type is selected as Typicaland then perform the following:


  1. Ensure that you have the compatible version of PostgreSQL database installed and running successfully on your computer.
  2. After installation of FSI, under $FSI_HOME/scripts/postgreSQL/, run for linux. Note that this utility takes the arguments of PGHOME, PGHOST, PGPORT, PGDATABASE, PGSuperUSER, PGSuperuserPASSWORD, FSIDBUSER, FSIDBPASSWORD, FSIDBSCHEMA, and FSIDBDATATBSSTORAGE.

Example 1


Example 2

./ /apps/PostgreSQL/9.6 localhost 5432 postgresdb postgres postgres fsi101pguser fsi101pgpassword fsi101pgdbschema fsi101pgtablespace

This creates new db schema, new db user, new db password, new tablespace, and all the Data Definition Language (DDL) required for Database.
Note: You can check the logs in the log directory, <FSI_HOME>/scripts/postgreSQL/logs/DbSetup_outputs.log. This directory is created with log statements. If there is any issue in the log file then fix the issue and run the utility again.