Changing the Split Point

If you don’t want to use the default split points, you can change the lowest split point.


The default split points for an 835 are loops 2000 and 2100. If the EDI contains this:




            2000 (1st)

                2100  – no errors

                2100 – errors

            2000 (2nd)

                2100 – no errors

With default split points, you will get these two files:

Valid EDI File

Invalid EDI File




            2000 (1st)

                2100 – no errors

            2000 (2nd)

                2100 – no errors




            2000 (1st)

                2100 – errors


If you want to reject an entire 2000 loop if it contains errors anywhere in it, including in the 2100 loops that it contains, you can set the split point at loop 2000. You will get these two files:

Valid EDI File

Invalid EDI File




            2000 (2nd)

                2100 – no errors





            2000 (1st)

                2100 – no errors

                2100 – errors