GET realm_UUID/logs

The web method GET realm_UUID/logs retrieves the list of available log files for clients in the realm, including metadata that describes each file.

To obtain realm UUIDs, see GET realms.

You can include pagination parameters to retrieve long lists in smaller batches. For details, see "Pagination" in TIBCO FTL Administration.

Example Requests

curl -X GET http://host:port/logsvc/v1/realmUUID/logs

Example JSON Representation

This request returns a response with this form.

    {“client_id”: 1234,
     “realm_uuid”: “8a9707d13bb446feab42aa751c715a5f”,
     “row_count”: 1189,
     “creation_date”: “June 26, 2017 2:38:54 PM”,
     “last_modified”: “June 27, 2017 2:54:05 PM”,
     “bytes”: 23192},
    {client_id”: 5678,
     “realm_uuid”: “9b9707d13bb446feab42aa751c715a5f”,
     “row_count”: 2249,
     “creation_date”: “June 26, 2017 2:38:54 PM”,
     “last_modified”: “June 27, 2017 2:54:05 PM”,
     “bytes”: 45643}