POST persistence/zones/zone_name/stores/stor_name/durables

The web method POST persistence/zones/zone_name/stores/stor_name/durables can send a command to purge or delete selected durables, or delete all durables for a specific store within a specific zone.

  • zone_name in the URI is the zone name.
  • stor_name in the URI is the store name.


Command Description
{"cmd":"purge_durables","args"} Purge messages from the durables supplied in args.
{"cmd":"delete_durables","args"} Delete the durables supplied in args.
{"cmd":"delete_all_durables"} Delete all durables from a store within a specific zone.


See Filters for Durables.

Example Requests

curl http://host:port/api/v1/persistence/zones/zone_name/stores/stor_name/durables -X POST -d '{"cmd":"purge_durables", "args": [{"names": ["dur1","dur2"]}]}'
curl http://host:port/api/v1/persistence/zones/zone_name/stores/stor_name/durables -X POST -d '{"cmd":"delete_durables", "args": [{"names": ["dur1", "dur2"]}]}'
curl http://host:port/api/v1/persistence/zones/zone_name/stores/stor_name/durables -X POST -d '{"cmd":"delete_all_durables"}'