Administrative Options

When configuring endpoint implementation, administrative choices affect transmission characteristics for the application. Consider these factors when optimizing overall performance.

Transport Protocol and Abilities

Some transport protocols are often more appropriate to carry some communication abilities than others. For example, shared memory transports and multicast transports are well suited to carry one-to-many messages.

Transport Protocol and Host Computer

Some transport protocols are often more appropriate to application instances that are co-located on one multi-core host computer, while others are appropriate to communicate among separate host computers.

For example, shared memory transports are well suited to carry messages among co-located application instances. In contrast, TCP, RDMA, and multicast transports are well suited to carry messages among application instances on separate host computers.

Segregating Traffic by Priority

When a stream of messages has high priority and low volume, it could be appropriate to segregate it on a separate transport, away from other streams with lower priority or high volume.