POST ftlservers/server_name

The web method POST ftlservers can send a shutdown command to a specific FTL server or to all FTL servers.

The server_name in the URI is the name of a specific FTL server.

Input Data

Supply the command in JSON format.


The only command available is shutdown.

Syntax Description
{"cmd":"shutdown"} Shut down the FTL server and all the services it provides.
{"cmd":"shutdown","args":[{"servers":"core.servers"}]} Shut down all the FTL core servers, along with all the services they provide. (Auxiliary servers are not affected.)

Example Requests

curl -X POST http://host:port/api/v1/ftlservers/server_name -d '{"cmd":"shutdown"}'
curl -X POST http://host:port/api/v1/ftlservers/ -d '{"cmd":"shutdown"}'
curl -X POST http://host:port/api/v1/ftlservers/ -d '{"cmd":"shutdown","args":[{"servers":"core.servers"}]}'

You can also shut down all FTL servers with the POST cluster method.