RUDP Transport: Parameters Reference

The following tables describe the parameters specific to RUDP transports in the configuration interface.

For web API access to transport definitions, see Transport Definition Objects.

Connection List

You must specify at least one triplet: host, port, and initialization mode.

In the web API, the hosts attribute contains a collection of these triplet objects.

GUI Parameter JSON Attribute Description
Host host Required.

For the host, specify an RUDP interface either as a host name or as an IP address (IPv4 or IPv6).

Asterisk (*) is a special value, which designates all RUDP interfaces on the host computer (that is, the union of INADDR_ANY and INADDR6_ANY). This special value is available only with Listen mode (that is, RUDP transports can listen for connections on all network interfaces, but they must connect to a specific interface).

Port port Required.

Specify a port number.

Mode mode Required.

You must select either Connect or Listen from the drop-down menu:

The transport initiates TCP communication by sending a connection request to host:port.
The transport listens for TCP connection requests at host:port.

For more information, see Listen End and Connect End.

Buffer and Performance Settings Specific to RUDP

See also, Buffer and Performance Settings for Transports.

GUI Parameter JSON Attribute Description
UDP Send Buffer Size udp_sndbuf When present, the library requests a buffer of this size, in bytes, for outbound RUDP data. (Operating system constraints can limit or override this request.) The value must be a non-negative integer. (See also Size Units Reference.)

When absent or zero, the library requests the default buffer size, 16MB.

In most situations the default buffer size yields the best results. However, in some high-volume situations, larger buffers could yield higher throughput (depending on other factors).

UDP Receive Buffer Size udp_rcvbuf When present, the library requests a buffer of this size, in bytes, for inbound RUDP data. (Operating system constraints can limit or override this request.) The value must be a non-negative integer. (See also Size Units Reference.)

When absent or zero, the library requests the default buffer size, 16MB.

In most situations the default buffer size yields the best results. However, in some high-volume situations, larger buffers could yield higher throughput (depending on other factors).