Dynamic TCP Transport: Parameters Reference

The following tables describe the parameters specific to dynamic TCP transports and secure dynamic TCP transports in the configuration interface.

For web API access to transport definitions, see Transport Definition Objects.

GUI Parameter JSON Attribute Description
Mode mode Required.

Select a mode from the drop-down menu: mesh, listen, or connect.

For the meaning of these values, see Dynamic TCP Transport.

Group virtual_name Required when the mode is either listen or connect.

The group name ties together a listen end and a connect end, decoupling these definitions from the host and port.

Subnet Mask subnet_mask Optional.

Limit the hardware interfaces that this TCP transport can use.

When network administrators allocate subnets for specific purposes, use this parameter to comply.

Specify a IPv4 or IPv6 CIDR mask. For example, in IPv4: In IPv6: 2001:db8::/32.

Port Range port_range Optional.

Designate a range of port numbers to establish a TCP bus, e.g. 7777-7785..

When absent, dynamic TCP transports use ephemeral listen ports to establish a bus. A firewall can thwart this mechanism. To circumvent the obstacle, designate a port range for this purpose and arrange for the firewall to open those ports.

When present, all applications that use the transport definition bind one of the ports in the port range to establish a bus.