GET persistence/clusters/clus_name/stores/stor_name/durables

The web method GET persistence/clusters/clus_name/stores/stor_name/durables retrieves a collection of durable status objects from a specific persistence store within a cluster.

  • clus_name in the URI is the cluster name.
  • stor_name in the URI is the store name.

Example Requests

curl -X GET http://host:port/api/v1/persistence/clusters/GET http://host:port/api/v1/persistence/clusters/clus_name/stores/stor_name/durables

Example JSON Representation

      [ { "name": "foo",
           "store": "",
           "cluster": "ftl.default.cluster",
           "matcher": "{}",
           "template_name": "ftl.standard.template",
           "client_id": 0,
           "durable_id": 7,
           "type": "standard-store-fwd",
           "dynamic": true,
           "message_count": 7,
           "message_limit": 200,
           "message_size": 644,
           "swap_message_count": 0,
           "swap_message_size": 0
       } ]


See Filters for Durables.