FTL Server Executable

Administrators use tibftlserver, the FTL server command line executable, to start an FTL server process.

Parameter Arguments Description


The FTL server prints a usage message summarizing its command line parameters.


path The FTL server reads the configuration file at path.


name This parameter designates the name of the FTL server.

This name selects one of the core servers.

The FTL server monitoring GUI displays the name you supply so you can identify individual FTL server processes.

To run an auxiliary server in a Docker container with non-default host and port values, you may specify the name argument with this form:
--init-security password_specifier When present, the FTL server generates new TLS data, and then immediately exits.

The TLS data files include ftl-trust.pem (trust) and ftl-tport.p12 (keystore).

The FTL server writes the TLS data files to its data directory. If it cannot write to the data directory, the server writes these files to the current directory.

When this flag is present, the FTL server ignores its --name argument.

The FTL server uses the password_specifier argument to secure the keystore file. For details, see "Password Security."

If the FTL server detects existing TLS files, it does not generate them anew. However, the FTL server does not decrypt or inspect existing files.

--init-auth-only When present, the FTL server generates new authentication data, and then immediately exits.

The security data files include ftl-trust.pem (trust) and ftl-tport.p12 (keystore).

The FTL server writes the data files to its data directory. If it cannot write to the data directory, the server writes these files to the current directory.

For details, see Authentication Service.

If the FTL server detects existing authentication files, it does not generate them anew. However, the FTL server does not decrypt or inspect existing files.

--core.servers URL_list Optional.

This parameter is a convenience for use with Docker.

When starting an FTL server in a Docker image using a default empty configuration file, specify the cluster of core servers in this URL_list.

URL_list is a pipe-separated list of core servers. Each server specification has this form: