GET ftlservers/server_name

The web method GET ftlservers retrieves operating information about a specific FTL server or about all the FTL servers.

The server_name in the URI is the name of a specific FTL server.

Operating information is similar to the kind of information available about client processes. For details, see "GET clients/ID."

Example Requests

curl -X GET http://host:port/api/v1/ftlservers/server_name
curl -X GET http://host:port/api/v1/ftlservers

Example Response:

  "id": 11026,
  "record_id": "11026",
  "stale": false,
  "type": 9,
  "type_label": "FTLServer",
  "realm_revision": 300,
  "status": 1,
  "status_label": "Running",
  "client_label": "FTL.ftls1",
  "connect_time": 1540404282727,
  "uptime": 0,
  "last_contact": "2018-10-24T11:04:42.734766757-07:00",
  "last_contact_delta": 65413,
  "other_info": "Cores=8, User=bpeterse, Group=msgsrc, Effective User=bpeterse, Effective Group=msgsrc, OS Spec=Linux 3.10.0-327.18.2.el7.x86_64 x86_64, Pid=28910",
  "client_name": "",
  "user": "",
  "version": "6.0.0 V5",
  "host": "",
  "ip": "",
  "identifier": "",
  "app_name": "_dynamic_FTLServer",
  "reporting_server_label": "",
  "reporting_server_id": "403d24cf-acb5-46ba-ae36-064dfb5f96ed",
  "realm_name": "_default_realm",
  "app_instance": "default",
  "startup": "2018-10-24T11:04:23.427427-07:00",
  "sub_app_instance": "default",
  "log_statement": [],
  "advisory": []