Message Interest

A persistence store collects all the messages from its publishers, but a subscriber might require only a subset of those messages, and different subscribers might require different subsets. (Developers and administrators coordinate to configure this behavior.)

Store All Messages
The durable collects the full message stream. (This behavior is available only for standard durables and shared durables.)
Store Matching Messages
The durable collects a sub-stream determined by a content matcher.
Store Messages with Key
The durable collects the sub-stream of messages that contain a key field. You must specify the Key Field Name parameter. This behavior is available only for last-value durables.
Tip: From the moment that a subscriber object first interacts with a durable, you may no longer change a durable’s message interest, nor its matcher fields. If these configuration values must subsequently change, you can instead map the subscriber to a new durable with the correct message interest and matcher fields.

See Also: