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Copyright © Cloud Software Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved

Chapter 3 Configuration : JMX Configuration File

JMX Configuration File
The following table describes the top level <JMXConfiguration> element of the JMXPluginConfig.xml configuration file.
The default location is TIBCO_HOME/hawk/<version>/plugin.
The default location is TIBCO_HOME/hawk/<version>/plugin/jmx/log.
If this property is set to true the Hawk microagent name for every MBean discovered by the plug-in will include the MBeanServer name.
name: The name given to the MBean server
type: The type of the MBean server. Valid values are:
JSR160, (for Tomcat, JVM, JBOSS)
WebSphere (for IBM WebSphere)
WebLogic (for Oracle WebLogic)
JMXClassPath: The class path to the vendor specific MBean server jar files.
Customizing the MBeanServer Element
The <MBeanServer> element of the configuration file contains connection information for each MBean sever. This filter is a list, delimited by ’;’, of the MBeans that you are interested in exposing as TIBCO Hawk microagents.The following sections describe in details in the information required by each supported servers.
JSR 160 compliant App Servers: JVM and Tomcat
The plug-in provides two different JSR 160 implementations; one for JVM and the other one for Tomcat.
For Tomcat, to enable JMX, set CATALINA_OPTS property to
The <JMXClassPath> element can be defined as <JMXClassPath>;</JMXClassPath>
To connect to the Application server you need to specify:
JMXServiceURL, the connection URL to connect to the MBean server.
login and password, which are the used to connect to the application server.
MBeanFilter, which is the list of MBean(s) that you are interested in. If the MBeanFilter has a null value or if the MBeanFilter element is not used, all MBeans are accessed.
Example: JVM
<MBeanServer name="J2SE5JVM" type="JSR160">
<!-- the address of the connector server to connect to. -->
<param name = "JMXServiceURL" value = "service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://localhost:6580/jmxrmi"/>
<!-- login/password to connect to the connector server. -->
<param name = "login" value = ""/>
<param name = "password" value = ""/>
<!-- MBean filter value -->
<param name = "MBeanFilter" value = "java.lang:*"/>
Example: Tomcat
<MBeanServer name="RMI1234" type="JSR160">
<!-- the address of the connector server to connect to. -->
<param name = "JMXServiceURL" value = "service:jmx:rmi://localhost/jndi/jrmp"/>
<!-- login/password to connect to the connector server. -->
<param name = "login" value = ""/>
<param name = "password" value = ""/>
<!-- MBean filter value -->
<param name = "MBeanFilter" value = "JMImplementation:type=MBeanServerDelegate;MyDomain:*"/>
<!-- a set of attributes to determine how the connection is made. for example:
<param name = "java.naming.factory.initial" value = "com.sun.jndi.rmi.registry.RegistryContextFactory"/>
<param name = "java.naming.provider.url" value = "rmi://localhost:6431"/>
JBoss App Server
The <JMXClassPath> element should be defined as:
where, <JBOSS_HOME> is the JBOSS installation directory.
To connect to the JBoss server, you need to specify:
JMXServiceURL, the connection URL to connect to the MBean server.
MBeanFilter, the list of MBeans that you are interested in.
<MBeanServer name="JBOSS1" type="JSR160">
<param name = "JMXServiceURL" value = "service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://localhost:57571/Member1"/>
<!-- login/password to connect to the connector server. -->
<param name = "login" value = ""/>
<param name = "password" value = ""/>
<!-- MBean Filter Value -->
<param name = "MBeanFilter" value = "JMImplementation:*;MletAgent:*"/>
Oracle WebLogic App Servers
To connect to Weblogic on a local machine, define the <JMXClassPath> element as <WEBLOGIC_HOME>/wlserver/server/lib/weblogic.jar.
To connect to Weblogic on a remote machine, define the <JMXClassPath> element as <WEBLOGIC_HOME>/wlserver/server/lib/wlfullclient.jar. For more information on how to build the wlfullclient.jar, refer to
<WEBLOGIC_HOME> in the above paths is your WebLogic installation directory.
To connect to the Oracle WebLogic server you need to specify:
JNDIUrl, which is the location of the JNDI name server.
User, which is the username used to connect to the server.
Password, which is the encrypted password for a valid username used to connect to the server. See Encrypting Password for details on encrypting your password.
MBeanFilter, which is the list of MBean(s) that you are interested in.
<MBeanServer name="WebLogic71" type="WebLogic">
<!-- WebLogic Server URL -->
<param name = "JNDIUrl" value = "service:jmx:t3://localhost:7001/jndi/"/>
<!-- User Name -->
<param name = "User" value = "admin"/>
<!-- Password, Use TIBCO Hawk supplied utility to encrypt the password -->
<param name = "Password" value = "EncryptMe"/>
<!--timeout contains the number of milliseconds that your JMX client waits for the invocation of an MBean-server method to return. By default, a client waits indefinitely for a method to return -->
<!--<param name = "timeout" value = "1000" />-->
<!-- MBean Filter Value -->
<param name = "MBeanFilter" value = "JMImplementation:type=MBeanServerDelegate;mydomain:Name=myserver,Server=myserver,Type=JTARecoveryService"/>
IBM WebSphere App Server
The <JMXClassPath> element when using IBM WebSphere contains the location of the required classes and should be defined as:
where, <WEBSPHERE_HOME> is the WebSphere installation directory.
To connect to the IBM WebSphere server, specify:
ConnectorType, the value of this parameter should be set to RMI or SOAP.
ConnectorHost, which is the host where the server is running.
MBeanFilter, which is the list of MBean(s) that you are interested in.
<MBeanServer name="WebSphere1" type="WebSphere">
<param name = "ConnectorType" value = "SOAP"/>
<param name = "ConnectorHost" value = "localhost"/>
<param name = "ConnectorPort" value = "8880"/>
<param name = "MBeanFilter" value = "JMImplementation:*"/>
Encrypting Password
Follow these steps to encrypt your password:
On Microsoft Windows, tibhawkpassword.exe -encrypt
On UNIX, -encrypt

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Copyright © Cloud Software Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved