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Oracle Advanced Queuing (AQ) provides the underlying message queuing system used by the iProcess message queues. Each message queue defined in the iql_queues table must be mapped to an AQ queue, which in turn must be stored in an AQ table.When the iProcess Engine is installed, the init2Kora.sql script (on UNIX, or on Windows init2Kora_tok.sql) creates the default set of AQ tables, queues and object types required by the system (see Default Message Queues and AQ Tables.)
The init2Kora.sql script (on UNIX, or on Windows init2Kora_tok.sql) also creates a non-persistent Oracle AQ queue called sw_system_events. This queue is used to route all iProcess events to the iProcess event manager. (iProcess event management is provided by the Oracle Event Manager on UNIX, and by the iProcess Events COM+ application on Windows.)If you subsequently decide to add additional message queues, you must use the Oracle DBMS_AQADM package to manually create the Oracle AQ queue tables and queues needed by those message queues. The following sections explain how to do this.
For a detailed description of the DBMS_AQADM package procedures referred to in this section, see the Oracle9i Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference guide in your Oracle documentation set.All AQ queue tables used by the iProcess Engine must use the SWLOCALMSG object type, which is created when the iProcess Engine is installed.
msginfo VARCHAR2(500),
node varchar2(24),
contenttype number(2),
data VARCHAR2(1000)
Use the DBMS_AQADM.CREATE_QUEUE_TABLE procedure to create an AQ queue table. The following parameters are required.
Note: Each queue table can be associated with a different tablespace, which in turn can be associated with a different datafile. Distributing queue tables in this way provides an easy way of reducing I/O contention and optimizing performance. See Appendix B on page 249 for more information. The following example, from the init2Kora.sql script, shows the SQL used to create one of the default background Mbox tables that is created when the iProcess Engine is installed.
queue_table => 'TABLE_OWNER.bgmboxtable1',
queue_payload_type => 'TABLE_OWNER.swlocalmsg',
sort_list => ' priority, enq_time',
storage_clause => 'tablespace AQTABLESPACE',
comment => 'default background mbox',
compatible => ’8.1’);
1. Use the DBMS_AQADM.CREATE_QUEUE procedure to create the AQ queue. The following parameters are required.
Note: Multiple queues can be stored in the same queue table. Number of times that a dequeue with the REMOVE mode can be attempted on a message.The following example, from the init2Kora.sql script, shows the SQL used to create one of the default background Mbox queues that is created when the iProcess Engine is installed.
DBMS_AQADM.CREATE_QUEUE (queue_name => 'TABLE_OWNER.bgmboxqueue1', queue_table => 'TABLE_OWNER.bgmboxtable1', retry_delay => 300, max_retries => 12);
2. Use the DBMS_AQADM.START_QUEUE procedure to start the queue.
3. Use the DBMS_AQADM.GRANT_QUEUE_PRIVILEGE procedure to grant the privileges on the queue. The following parameters are required.
Note: The Oracle Foreground user is defined in the third entry (after the second backslash character) on line 9 of the SWDIR\etc\staffpms file. For example: Defines whether the access privilege is granted with the GRANT option or not. This value must be false.The following example, from the init2Kora.sql script, shows the SQL used to grant the required privileges on one of the default background Mbox queues that is created when the iProcess Engine is installed.
dbms_aqadm.grant_queue_privilege (privilege => 'all', queue_name => 'TABLE_OWNER.bgmboxqueue1', grantee => 'FOREGROUND_USER', grant_option => false )
Suppose that the volume of messages handled by your system has increased significantly, and the default messages queues are no longer able to cope. To deal with the additional load you have decided that you need to add a new BGMBOX3 message queue to the BGMBSET Mboxset. This queue requires a new bgmboxqueue3 Oracle AQ queue and bgmboxtable3 queue table .
2. Create an AQ queue table called bgmboxtable3.
EXECUTE DBMS_AQADM.CREATE_QUEUE_TABLE (queue_table => 'swpro.bgmboxtable3', queue_payload_type => 'swpro.swlocalmsg', comment => '3rd background mbox', compatible => 8.1);
3. Create an AQ queue called bgmboxqueue3 in this queue table.
EXECUTE DBMS_AQADM.CREATE_QUEUE (queue_name => 'swpro.bgmboxqueue3', queue_table => 'swpro.bgmboxtable3', retry_delay => 300, max_retries => 12);
EXECUTE DBMS_AQADM.START_QUEUE (queue_name => 'swpro.bgmboxqueue3');
EXECUTE dbms_aqadm.grant_queue_privilege (privilege => 'all', queue_name => 'bgmboxqueue3', grantee => 'swuser', grant_option => false );
7. Use the SWDIR\util\swadm utility to add a new message queue called BGMBOX3, which uses the bgmboxqueue3 queue.
1 is the number of the BGMBSET Mboxset (from the swadm SHOW_MBOXSETS command) and 8 is the number of the message queue (from the swadm SHOW_QUEUES command).
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