The staffo table holds information about
outstanding steps, that is, steps that have been delivered to work queues but not yet released (or otherwise removed).
The staffo table is structured as follows:
TABLE staffo(
o_flags number(5) NULL,
o_queuename varchar2(24) NULL,
o_locker varchar2(24) NULL,
o_username varchar2(49) NULL,
o_startname varchar2(49) NULL,
o_dirname varchar2(12) NOT NULL,
o_dirdesc varchar2(24) NULL,
o_procname varchar2(8) NOT NULL,
o_procdesc varchar2(24) NULL,
o_casedesc varchar2(24) NULL,
o_casenum number(20) NULL,
o_placeno number(5) NULL,
o_dirflags number(5) NULL,
o_procflags number(5) NULL,
o_host varchar2(24) NOT NULL,
o_pnum number(5) NOT NULL,
o_pnumcount number(5) NOT NULL,
o_caseptr number(15) NULL,
o_reqidhost number(24) NOT NULL,
o_reqid number(20) NOT NULL,
o_deadline date NULL,
o_reqstamp date NULL,
o_qparam1 varchar2(24) NULL,
o_qparam2 varchar2(24) NULL,
o_qparam3 varchar2(12) NULL,
o_qparam4 varchar2(12) NULL,
o_itempriority varchar2(24) NULL,
o_priority_changed date NULL,
o_majorvers number(5) NOT NULL,
o_minorvers number(5) NOT NULL)
Note: This column is not written to or updated unless the WIS_WRITELOCKS parameter in the SWDIR\etc\staffcfg file is set.
Nodename of the node where the o_reqid is generated, as defined in the nodes table.
base: increment: number: period: type
base is the base priority value for this work item.
increment is the amount that will be added to the item’s priority value whenever the period expires.
number is the number of increments that will be added to the item’s priority value.
period is the time period, in the units specified in type, which must expire before the item’s priority value is incremented.
type is the unit of measure of the period, either “ M” or “ m” for minutes, “ H” or “ h” for hours or “ D” or “ d” for days.
The staffo table contains one row for every outstanding step on the system.