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Chapter 8 Making Procedures Easier to Follow : Using Swim Lanes

Using Swim Lanes
Swim lanes are a visual tool that enable you to organize how you display your iProcess Engine procedure objects. Swim lanes can be vertical or horizontal. By specifying category labels when you create your swim lanes, you can group procedure objects into categories of your choice.
You can choose whether to use swim lanes or not, depending on your requirements. This section describes:
Enabling Swim Lanes
To enable swim lanes:
None. If you have swim lanes already enabled, you can select None if you want to disable them.
Horizontal. Select Horizontal if you want horizontal swim lanes.
Vertical. Select Vertical if you want vertical swim lanes.
The Swim-Lane Properties: dialog is displayed.
The following table describes the properties that you can set for a swim lane.
The name of the category to be used for this swim lane. The name can be up to 128 characters.
Once you have configured the properties of your swim lane, click OK. If you selected a swim lane type, a single swim lane is created. All the procedure objects are moved below the new swim lane.
See Configuring How Swim Lanes are Displayed for information on how to configure how your swim lanes are displayed.
Swapping Between Swim Lane Types
Depending on your requirements, you can swap between swim lane types. For example, you can swap from horizontal to vertical and vice versa.
If you swap between horizontal and vertical swim lane types, the top-down layout mode is swapped.
If you swap from a swim lane type to no swim lanes:
Configuring Swim Lanes
The following section describes how to edit the swim lanes. It describes:
Adding Swim Lanes
To add a new swim lane:
Depending on your requirements, select either:
The Swim-Lane Properties dialog is displayed.
See step 3 in Enabling Swim Lanes for information on how to configure the swim lane properties. Click OK. A new swim lane is inserted.
Creating Child Swim Lanes
You can nest swim lanes within other swim lanes, depending on your requirements. To do this, create a child swim lane in the swim lane where you want to nest other swim lanes. To create a child swim lane:
Right click the header of the swim lane you want to create a child swim lane from and select Add Child Swim-Lane.... The Swim-Lane Properties dialog is displayed.
See step 3 in Enabling Swim Lanes for information on how to configure the swim lane properties.
Click OK. The child swim lane is created.
Selecting Swim Lanes
You can select a swim lane or multiple swim lanes, depending on your requirements, using CTRL + Click. This is useful, for example, if you want to delete more than one swim lane or you want to highlight particular procedure objects, as shown below.
You can also select all the procedure objects within a swim lane by right clicking the header of the swim lane whose procedure objects you want to select and clicking Select all objects.
To deselect a swim lane(s), press Escape or click on another swim lane.
Resizing Swim Lanes
You can resize a swim lane by dragging the separating lines between the swim lanes.
Deleting Swim Lanes
You can only delete a swim lane if it is empty, unless it is the last child swim lane. If it is the last child swim lane, the parent swim lane inherits the procedure objects.
To delete a swim lane:
Move the procedure objects from the swim lane you want to delete to another swim lane. This is because you cannot delete a swim lane if it contains procedure objects.
Editing Swim Lane Properties
To edit the properties of a swim lane:
Right-click the header of the swim lane whose properties you want to change and select Properties. The Swim-Lane Properties: dialog is displayed.
See step 3 in Enabling Swim Lanes for information on how to configure the swim lane properties.
Configuring How Swim Lanes are Displayed
To configure how your swim lanes are displayed, click Options > Swim Lanes. You can select one of the following:
Plain Style. This is the default option when you enable swim lanes. Select this if you want to display your swim lanes as squares.
Tablet Style. Select this if you want to display your swim lanes as tablets.
Border. Select this if you want to display your swim lanes with a border.
Color Header Only. Select this if you only want the swim lane header to be displayed with a color rather than the whole swim lane.
Shadow. Select this if you want to display your swim lanes with shadows.

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Copyright © Cloud Software Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved