View and Handle Alerts

The Show Triggered Alerts page lists events triggered by rules defined for this appliance to monitor and report on.

From the Show Triggered Alerts page you can:
  • View all alerts
  • Filter shown alerts by alert category, priority, alert type, and keywords
  • View all system alerts only, regardless of priority
  • Change the alert category to Acknowledged
  • Delete the alerts permanently
  • (Management Station only) View alerts on a specific managed Appliance or on all managed Appliances
    Note: When the Data Privacy mode is enabled, these types of alerts are not displayed on the Show Triggered Alerts page: VPN Connection Alert, VPN Statistic Alert, VPN Message Alert, Pre-defined Search Filter Alert, Cisco PIX/ASA Messages Alert, and Network Policy Alert. 
For more information on Data Privacy mode, see Managing System Settings section in the TIBCO LogLogic® Log Management Intelligence Administration Guide.

    When an alert is triggered, Alert Viewer shows the alert category as New.