Importing Device Types

You can import the device types using an XML file using the Import feature.

This must be a valid XML file that has been exported using the Device Types > Export feature (see Exporting Device Types). Once uploaded, the file is validated to check for any conflicts before importing the Device types.

The maximum number of device types that can be created is 1500.


  1. Click Management > Device Types, and click the Import button.
    The Import Device Types wizard appears.
  2. Click Next to continue. Follow the instructions displayed in the wizard.
  3. Click Browse to locate and import a Device Types File. This file must be a valid XML file.
  4. Click Next to continue.
    The Pre-Import Summary window appears. This window displays the summary of imported Device Types.
    • If there are no conflicts detected for the imported Device Types, click Import to add the imported Device Types to the Appliance.
    • If there are any Message Patterns, the Validate Message Patterns window appears. Review the message patterns for device types that you have selected and resolve any name conflicts that may have been detected by changing the Name. Double-click the row that you want to modify in Name column, the field becomes editable. Alternatively, you can click the button (located next to the conflicted row) to use the locally defined tag, and the << button to revert to the imported (but you may need to change the name) tag. Make the necessary changes. Make sure to use a unique name to avoid message pattern conflicts.