Modifying a Search Filter

In the second example earlier, we created a new search filter and added two more search parameters: $zipcode and $phone. As an alternative, we could have modified the first search filter we created, “Logins by username admin”. The following example demonstrates how to modify an existing search filter (assuming you no longer want to retain the original filter configuration).


  1. Select Search > Search Filters from the navigation menu.
  2. Click on the name of the filter you want to change.
  3. The Modify Search Filter tab appears with the same options as Adding a Search Filter.
  4. Modify the search filter name, description, filter options and criteria, or sharing with other users as needed.
  5. Now we think that IP address would be more valuable to us than zipcode and phone, so we elect to modify our multi-parameter search filter to suit our new needs.
    Note: We could also simply delete the filter and create a new one.
  6. Click the Update button to modify the search filter.
  7. Select Regular Expression Search from the navigation menu.
  8. Click the Pre-Defined radio button on the RegEx Search Filter tab.
  9. Select Multi-parameter search from the drop-down menu in the Select Expression field (but do not enter search parameters until you complete Step 8).
  10. Click the Save Report button at the bottom of the form and enter a new report name and description. Click Save Report.
  11. Return to the search parameter text fields and enter your new parameters (username = admin, and ipaddress = wildcard *).
  12. Click Run.
  13. Click Finished Searches and then click the number of matches returned to see the results.