Rules/Policies Reports

To search for and generate a report on information about enforcement of a particular rule or policy by selected firewall devices during a specified time interval, use the Rules/Policies Real-Time Report.

Menu path: Reports > Policy Reports > Rules/Policies

In addition to setting the common report options in Preparing a Real-time Report, you can select optional filter operators in the generated report.

You can select to view various options in ascending or descending order. Choose the sort order by using the drop-down menu. The default is to display all the following options:

For information on saving the generated report, see Formats for Saving a Generated Report.

Rules/Policies Report - Optional Filter Operators
Option Description
Interface Name (or IP address) of the network interface that enforced the policy
Rule Rule number that was enforced (Check Point Interface only)
Policy Policy number that was enforced
Type Type of rule/policy that was enforced
Messages Number of messages received representing this policy
Bar Graph Number of messages received expressed as a bar graph
Percentage Number of messages received expressed as a percentage
Package Security policy package (Check Point Interface only)
Rule Description Displays Rule Details: Source, Destination, Service Description and Rule Actions: Permit, Deny, so on. (Check Point Interface only)