Web Cache Activity Reports

To search for and generate a report on all URLs accessed through proxy or cache servers on specified log sources during a specified time interval, use the Web Cache Activity Real-Time Report.

Menu path: Reports > Network Activity > Web Cache Activity

In addition to setting the common report options in Preparing a Real-time Report, you can select optional filter operators in the generated report.

You can select to view various options in ascending or descending order. Choose the sort order by using the drop-down menu. The default is to display the Source Device, Source IP, Destination IP, Status, Size, Filter Category, Filter Result, and Count.

For information on saving the generated report, see Formats for Saving a Generated Report.

Web Cache Activity Report - Optional Filter Operators
Option Description
Source Device Description of the device that sent these log messages
Source User User of the source device
Source IP IP address of the source device
Source Host Host name of the source device
Domain Name Domain name of the source device
Destination IP IP address of the destination device
Destination Port Port of the destination device
Peer IP IP address of the peer device
Peer Host Host name of the peer device
Peer Status A code that explains how the request was handled; for example, by forwarding it to a peer or returning the request to the source
Method Request method to obtain an object; for example, GET
URL URL requested
Cache Code Information on the result of the transaction: the kind of request, how it was satisfied, or in what way it failed
Status HTTP result codes
Type Content type of the object as seen in the HTTP reply header
Size Number of bytes transferred
Filter Category The category of the filter
Filter Result The results after using the filter
Count Number of cache views

When you drill down on Web Cache Activity report’s results, there is no default sort-by selection. The drill-down results are generally in order by time. If you specify a sort-by selection for this report's drill-down, performance in generating the drill-down results is slower.