Data Retention Rules

By configuring data retention rules, an administrator can manage the time duration for which data can be retained on the appliance.

Multiple Data Retention rules can be defined for managing data.

The Raw data retention time is the duration for which the data is retained on the appliance. The Indexed data retention time is the duration for which the raw data is indexed for searching.

Use the Administration > Data Retention Rules tab to define Data Retention rules. For each rule, you can specify the retention time period for raw and indexed data. The maximum value of indexed data retention can be 10 years. Log sources should be assigned to a specific Retention rule.

Warning: You must have the System Configuration privileges and the Access all devices in the appliance check box enabled to manage Data Retention rules for any appliance.

During installation, some pre-defined Retention rules (one Default and multiple Custom rules) are created. The number of pre-defined Custom rules may vary depending on each appliance model. You can create new Custom Retention rules. The Custom rules are prioritized in the order as they appear (from highest on the top) in the Custom rules list. You can change the priority by moving them up or down in the Custom Rules list. See Prioritizing Custom Rules.

GUI option Description For more information, see...
View All Rules Lists all log sources and their effective rules. You can view the effective rule for a particular log source. Viewing Retention Rule Details
Custom Retention Rules Specifies the raw and indexed data retention time for log sources assigned to the custom rule. Assigning Log Sources to a Data Retention Rule
Default Retention Rule Specifies the raw and indexed data retention time for log sources that have not been assigned to any custom rule. If any log source is not assigned to Custom Retention rule, it is automatically assigned to the Default Retention rule. You can modify the time period; however, you cannot delete this rule. Viewing Retention Rule Details
During installation, the following default period is set for raw data retention:
Appliance Default period of raw data retention
LogLogic LX Appliance 90 days
LogLogic MX Appliance 365 days
LogLogic ST Appliance 365 days