Viewing trends over time


  1. Click the View drop-down menu and then select the Show Timeline check box.

    A timeline chart is displayed below the search text box. You can immediately see the distribution of messages over time and begin to get a sense of trends in the timeline chart.

    By hovering the mouse over an affected bar, you can get the total number of messages matching your search expression at that particular point in time.

    View Menu – Viewing Trends by the Timeline Bar Chart

For example, in the following figure you can see that 13 log message instances at 04:24 in the evening. The scale on the x-axis shows the total number of messages while the y-axis shows the time distribution of those instances.

Zooming In to the Timeline Bar Chart

  1. To zoom in on a particular area of interest, press and hold the left mouse button and drag over the area of interest.

    This refreshes the timeline view to show the zoom area in more detail.

  2. To return to the original view, click Zoom Out.
  3. To view the same search in line format, select Chart Type > Line Chart from the View menu.

    This displays the results in a line chart format. From this view, you can see spikes in the number of messages that match a keyword.

    Viewing Trends by the Timeline Line Chart


Similarly, to view the same Index Search by log source, select View By > Device from the View menu.