Search Results Options

The Search Results tab provides a toolbar with several options for managing Search results.

Element Description
Collapses and condenses the results display view.
Allows you to view selected message in relation to all others in your Index Search results. For details, see Viewing Index Search Results In Context
Create a new log message pattern with the selected message. Highlight a message in the Search Results and click the Create Message Pattern button. The Message Pattern Editor is displayed, which can be used to select a particular message from a particular device and then create a pattern based on the parameters of that message for use in further searches. For detailed instructions, see online help tutorial or Creating Message Signatures section in the TIBCO LogLogic® Log Management Intelligence Administration Guide.
Clip Selected message(s) From the drop-down menu use the default clipboard, a saved clipboard, or create a new clipboard to save results.
Saves the search definition. You can choose to Save or Save as from the drop-down menu to save your results. You can update your saved results using the Save option, see Search Results: Download Options.
<< < Page 1 of 22 > >> Used for page navigation and for indicating the total number of pages of search results.

This is particularly useful for large volumes of log messages as it lets you go through matched messages one page at a time. To page through the results, click the next arrow; to return to the previous page click the previous page arrow. You can also return to the first page or go to the last page by clicking on the first and last page arrows accordingly. The total number of results is automatically updated when you select the Show Timeline graphical view.

If the time filter of the search query is a very large period of time, for example 10 years, the number of results is huge and displaying the results takes a long time. Furthermore, displaying the last page of results might take such a long time that the following error is displayed:

HTTP Error - 0. Please contact your admin!!!!
To avoid this, you can either reduce the time range of the classic Index Search, or add additional search terms to reduce the size of the result set, or do both.